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The WFDynamicList class is a powerful component within the xAtom framework that enables you to create dynamic lists seamlessly. Whether your application is fetching data from a REST API, GraphQL, or any other API source, the WFDynamicList provides essential functionality to render lists with ease. This class not only handles loading and empty states out of the box but also gives you full control over how your list items are rendered.

Getting Started​

Basic List structure​

To effectively use the WFDynamicList component within the xAtom framework, ensure that your list component is structured as follows in Webflow:

div (my-list)
├── div (my-list-item)
├── div (my-list-loader)
└── div (my-list-empty-state)

This structure is essential for the proper functioning of the WFDynamicList component. Make sure that your webflow elements match this hierarchy to seamlessly integrate dynamic lists into your web applicatio


To get started with the WFDynamicList class, you'll need to initialize it and provide the necessary configuration options. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to begin:

import { WFDynamicList } from "@xatom/core";

// Initialize a new instance of WFDynamicList
const list = new WFDynamicList<string>(".my-list", {
rowSelector: ".my-list-item", // CSS selector for list items
loaderSelector: ".my-list-loader", // Optional CSS selector for loading state
emptySelector: ".my-list-empty-state", // Optional selector for empty state

// Customize the rendering of list items
list.rowRenderer(({ rowData, rowElement }) => {
// Modify the rowElement component as needed
return rowElement;

// Set the data to be displayed in the dynamic list
list.setData(["Item 1", "Item 2"]);

In this example:

  • We create a new instance of WFDynamicList by providing a query selector (.my-list) that matches the container element where you want to render the list.
  • We configure the list by specifying the rowSelector, which is a query selector that identifies individual list items within the dynamic list.
  • Optionally, we specify the loaderSelector and emptySelector, which are query selectors for loading and empty state elements. These selectors are used to display loading and empty states when necessary.
  • We define a rowRenderer function that allows you to customize the rendering of list items based on the provided data.
  • Finally, we set the data for the dynamic list using the setData method.

With these steps, you're ready to create dynamic lists in your web application using the WFDynamicList class. You can now proceed to customize and further enhance your dynamic lists according to your project's requirements.


new WFDynamicList(selector, configuration);


Compatibility with WFComponent

The WFDynamicList seamlessly extends the capabilities of the WFComponent class. This means that all the properties and methods available in WFComponent are fully compatible and can be used with WFDynamicList. This compatibility provides you with a wide range of options for enhancing and customizing the behavior of your dynamic lists. Feel free to leverage the power of both components to achieve your desired results efficiently.

Selector Parameter​

The selector parameter within WFDynamicList is versatile and can accept one of the following types:

  • A string that precisely matches a valid CSS selector.
  • An HTMLElement representing a specific element in the document.
  • An existing WFComponent instance.

Configuration Object​

Along with selector parameter you'll need to provide a configuration object that includes the following properties:

PropertyAccepted TypesRequired
rowSelectorA string matching a valid CSS selector, e.g., ".list-item"Required
An HTMLElement representing a specific element in the document
An existing WFComponent instance
loaderSelectorA string matching a valid CSS selector, e.g., ".loader"Optional
An HTMLElement representing a specific element in the document
An existing WFComponent instance
emptySelectorA string matching a valid CSS selector, e.g., ".empty-state"Optional
An HTMLElement representing a specific element in the document
An existing WFComponent instance

By using these selectors, you can configure the WFDynamicList class to interact with your web page's structure, customize how list items are selected, and control the display of loading and empty states. The flexibility to accept different types of selectors makes the WFDynamicList class adaptable to various web application scenarios.



This method allows you to customize the rendering of list items by providing a callback function. The callback function receives an object params with rowData, representing the data for the current list item; rowElement, representing a copy of the row component; data, the array which was set using setData; and index, the index of the currently rendering item. You can modify the rowElement and return it to control how list items are rendered.

// Initialize a new instance of WFDynamicList
const list = new WFDynamicList<string>(".my-list", {
rowSelector: ".my-list-item", // CSS selector for list items
loaderSelector: ".my-list-loader", // Optional CSS selector for loading state
emptySelector: ".my-list-empty-state", // Optional selector for empty state

// Customize the rendering of list items
list.rowRenderer(({ rowData, rowElement }) => {
// Access a child component within the list item
const removeBtn =

// Add a click event listener to the remove button
removeBtn.on("click", () => {
console.log("removeBtn clicked");

// Update the text of a heading element within the list item
title: rowData.title, // Assuming rowData contains a 'title' property

// Return the modified rowElement component
return rowElement;

// Set the data to be displayed in the dynamic list
list.setData(["Item 1", "Item 2"]);


fn: (
params: {
rowData: any;
rowElement: WFComponent;
data: any[];
index: number
) => WFComponent
): void


fnfunctionA callback function that receives parameters to customize the rendering of list items.

Callback Function Parameters​

rowDataTThe data object representing the current list item.
rowElementWFComponent<R>A copy of the row component for customization.
dataArray<T>The array of data items set using setData.
indexnumberThe index of the currently rendering item in the list.

This method empowers you to have precise control over the rendering of list items, enabling you to create a tailored and dynamic user interface for your application's list components.


Use this method to set the data for the dynamic list. You need to pass an array data containing the list items. The data array can consist of objects, strings, numbers, or any other valid data types that represent the content of the list.

// Initialize a new instance of WFDynamicList
const list = new WFDynamicList<string>(".my-list", {
rowSelector: ".my-list-item", // CSS selector for list items
loaderSelector: ".my-list-loader", // Optional CSS selector for loading state
emptySelector: ".my-list-empty-state", // Optional selector for empty state

// Customize the rendering of list items
list.rowRenderer(({ rowData, rowElement }) => {
// Return the modified rowElement component
return rowElement;

// Set the data to be displayed in the dynamic list
list.setData(["Item 1", "Item 2"]);




dataT[]The data array can consist of objects, strings, numbers, or any other valid data types that represent the content of the list.

This method allows you to update the dynamic list with new data, making it easy to refresh the list with updated or different content as needed.


This method takes a callback function to control the rendering of the loading state. When invoked, the function should return an WFComponent instance representing the loading state of the dynamic list.

// Initialize a new instance of WFDynamicList
const list = new WFDynamicList<string>(".my-list", {
rowSelector: ".my-list-item", // CSS selector for list items
loaderSelector: ".my-list-loader", // Optional CSS selector for loading state
emptySelector: ".my-list-empty-state", // Optional selector for empty state

// Customize the rendering of list items
list.rowRenderer(({ rowData, rowElement }) => {
// Return the modified rowElement component
return rowElement;

// Customize the rendering of loader
list.loaderRenderer((loader) => {
// Customize the loader component as needed
const loadingText =
loadingText.setText("Please wait..."); // Update loading text
backgroundColor: "#fff", // Change background color

// Return the modified loader component
return loader;

// Set the data to be displayed in the dynamic list
list.setData(["Item 1", "Item 2"]);


loaderRenderer(fn: (loaderElement:WFComponent) => WFComponent): void


fnfunctionA callback function that receives parameters to customize the rendering of loader.

Callback Function Parameters​

loaderElementWFComponent<L>A copy of the loader component for customization.

This method allows you to customize the appearance and behavior of the loading state in the dynamic list, giving you full control over how it's presented to users.


The changeLoadingStatus method allows you to change the loading status of the dynamic list by passing a boolean value status. If the list contains items and the loading status is set to true, a loader will be displayed at the bottom of the list.

// Initialize a new instance of WFDynamicList
const list = new WFDynamicList<string>(".my-list", {
rowSelector: ".my-list-item", // CSS selector for list items
loaderSelector: ".my-list-loader", // Optional CSS selector for loading state
emptySelector: ".my-list-empty-state", // Optional selector for empty state

const loadMoreBtn = new WFComponent(".load-more-btn");

// Customize the rendering of list items
list.rowRenderer(({ rowData, rowElement }) => {
// Return the modified rowElement component
return rowElement;

loadMoreBtn.on("click", () => {
// Enable the loading state
// Perform additional actions here (e.g., fetching more data)

// Disable the loading state

// Set the data to be displayed in the dynamic list
list.setData(["Item 1", "Item 2"]);


changeLoadingStatus(status: boolean): void


statusbooleanIndicate the loading state

This method provides control over when and how the loading state is displayed in the dynamic list, giving you the flexibility to manage the loading behavior according to your application's requirements.


This method enables you to customize the rendering of the empty state of the dynamic list. It takes a callback function that should return an WFComponent representing the empty state when invoked. The empty state will automatically render when the list is empty.

// Initialize a new instance of WFDynamicList
const list = new WFDynamicList<string>(".my-list", {
rowSelector: ".my-list-item", // CSS selector for list items
loaderSelector: ".my-list-loader", // Optional CSS selector for loading state
emptySelector: ".my-list-empty-state", // Optional selector for empty state

// Customize the rendering of list items
list.rowRenderer(({ rowData, rowElement }) => {
// Return the modified rowElement component
return rowElement;

// Customize the rendering of empty state
list.emptyRenderer((emptyStateElement) => {
// Customize the empty state component as needed
const emptyText =
isSearchResult ? "No Item Found" : "Looks like list is empty"
); // Update empty state text

// Return the modified empty state component
return emptyStateElement;

// Set the data to be displayed in the dynamic list
list.setData(["Item 1", "Item 2"]);


emptyRenderer(fn: (emptyStateElement:WFComponent) => WFComponent): void


fnfunctionA callback function that receives parameters to customize the rendering of empty state.

Callback Function Parameters​

emptyStateElementWFComponent<L>A copy of the empty state component for customization.

This method allows you to have complete control over how the empty state of the dynamic list is displayed. You can design and customize the empty state component to provide a meaningful and engaging user experience when the list is empty.


Use the forceRender method to forcefully re-render the dynamic list. This method is particularly useful when you want to refresh the list display after making changes using setData or other methods.

// Initialize a new instance of WFDynamicList
const list = new WFDynamicList<string>(".my-list", {
rowSelector: ".my-list-item", // CSS selector for list items
loaderSelector: ".my-list-loader", // Optional CSS selector for loading state
emptySelector: ".my-list-empty-state", // Optional selector for empty state

// Customize the rendering of list items
list.rowRenderer(({ rowData, rowElement }) => {
// Return the modified rowElement component
return rowElement;

// Set the data to be displayed in the dynamic list
list.setData(["Item 1", "Item 2"]);

// Trigger a force render to refresh the list


forceRender(): void

These methods provide you with the flexibility to control the rendering of list items, loading states, and empty states, ensuring a seamless and customized user experience when working with dynamic lists in your web application.